Facelift Procedures


Signs of aging in the face and neck occur for many reasons, such as heredity, skin type, sun exposure and lifestyle choices. An aging face can create a tired appearance or falsely express feelings. A lower facelift can help to reduce the appearance of deep facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, and sagging and banding in the neck, restoring a firmer, more youthful appearance.

How a Lower Facelift Works

Much like a rubber band that has been over-stretched, the tissues in your face weaken over time, losing their resiliency and ability to maintain a firm, youthful position. Additionally, fat deposits, which normally give the face a soft, rounded appearance, migrate downward or are depleted, creating hollow areas. These changes create deep wrinkles, jowls, and loose skin in the lower portion of the face and neck. During a lower facelift, underlying tissues and muscles are repositioned, fat deposits are removed, facial skin is tightened, and excess skin is removed.


Prior to the start of your procedure, you will be given one of two types of anesthesia to make you as comfortable as possible. General anesthesia causes you to sleep through the procedure; local anesthesia with IV sedation causes the surrounding tissues to be numb and allows you to relax, but you may not be entirely asleep. Prior to making incisions, the physician may part your hair along the incision area and carefully draw the incision lines so that the resulting scars will be as inconspicuous as possible.


Typically, a single incision is made within the hairline that extends downward around the perimeter of the ear and into the hairline on the backside of the head. Surgical instruments are used to carefully elevate the skin away from the underlying tissues of the lower portion of the face, jaw line, and neck. The SMAS, which is a layer of tissue composed of muscle and fibrous connective tissue, is exposed and may be repositioned to lift and tighten the underlying structures of the face. Proceeding with the neck area, an incision will be made on the underside of the chin. Your surgeon may choose to reposition the neck muscles or remove a portion of them in order to reduce the appearance of skin laxity and banding in the neck. Additionally, fatty tissue may be removed to further sculpt the area. Once the necessary adjustments to the underlying structures are finished, your surgeon will stretch and remove the excess skin around the natural contours of the face. In some cases, a surgical drain may be placed beneath the skin to prevent fluid buildup as you heal. To conclude the procedure, all incisions will be closed with sutures.

Recovery and Results

Bandages around your face and drainage tubes are typically removed within a few days. Any non-absorbable sutures that were used will be removed in seven to ten days. As with any surgical procedure, you can expect to experience some pain, bruising, and swelling, but you will likely feel well enough to return to work in one to two weeks. You should avoid strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting or exercise, as recommended by your doctor, to allow your body sufficient time to heal. Results from your procedure will become increasingly more evident as weeks pass, and your scars will continue to fade. Although a facelift will not stop the aging process, it can rejuvenate your appearance, giving you the youthful look that reflects the way you feel.